This is a "Quick" draft... Personally I would convert this to Robocopy. But xcopy should do exactly what you need. COPY FOLDERS & FILES and place them where you'd like.

Step 1 – Open Windows Notepad by selecting the program icon from the Windows Accessories sub-menu on the Start menu.

Step 2 – Copy and paste the following text into the blank text document:

@echo off



cd “%homepath%\my documents”

md xpDriverBackUp

cd xpDriverBackUp

xcopy %windir%\help /y

xcopy %windir%\inf /r /y

xcopy %windir%\system /r /y

xcopy %windir%\system32 /r /y

xcopy %windir%\system32\drivers /r /y

cd ..

attrib -h driverback


Step 3 – Save the file with a logical file name such as “WindowsDrivers.bat” and ensure that the file extension is saved as “.bat”

Step 4 – Double click the new batch file, which will then save the Windows driver files to the directory specified in Step 2.

Step 5 – Save the backup driver folder to a memory stick or CD to store the driver files in a location other than the computer.
